Help you find your host family
Provide training and preparation
Care for kids, study, and travel in the USA
Supporting au pairs since 1989
Care for kids, study, and travel in the USA
Supporting au pairs since 1989
6 simple steps to become an au pair
Create an account
by downloading the app or registering online
Complete your profile & interview with us
to start chatting with host families
Find your host family
and agree on your arrival date
Secure your visa & flights
knowing we’ll help you with the visa process and cover the flights
Attend au pair workshops
to prepare for your time in the USA
Travel to the USA
to join your host family and start your au pair adventure!
Meet some of our host families
Do you have what it takes to become an au pair?
We’re here for you every step of the way
Cultural Care offers support from day one, at home and in the USA.
Staff in your home country
Help you find your host family
Provide training and preparation
Staff in 3 U.S. offices
Offer support while in the USA
Provide 24-hour emergency service
A local representative in your area
Completes an in-person orientation
Checks in regularly and plans au pairmeet-ups
Begin your au pair adventure for free
and without commitment!
Get more information about the program
I've used my new English skills personally and professionally.